Access to Healthcare Services in the Context of Financing Mechanisms. The Case of Ophthalmology.
Název projektu | Access to Healthcare Services in the Context of Financing Mechanisms. The Case of Ophthalmology. |
Hlavní řešitel z FM VŠE | doc. Ing. Peter Pažitný, Ph.D., MSc. |
Registrační číslo projektu | 0168/VŠ/2022 |
Agentura/program | International Visegrad Fund (No. 22120107) |
Datum zahájení projektu | 1. 11. 2021 |
Datum ukončení projektu | 30. 4. 2023 |
Celkové uznané náklady | € 25 490 (Fakulta managementu: € 8 960) |
Hlavní nositel | SGH Warsaw School of Economics |
Spoluřešitel/partner | Prague University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Management National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) University of Debrecen, Faculty of Public Health |
Popis projektu
Cataract and glaucoma are one of the main causes of blindness across the region. This proposal is outstanding in methodology and focuses on a curable disease, with high potential on health status improvement.
The value proposition is the collection of good practices on how to balance access to ophthalmology services and public system financing. The project leverages international cooperation to deliver recommendations that could be used to address challenges in the Visegrad countries and Ukraine.
Hlavní cíle projektu
The experience established on this project would allow for further investigations in this field (reimbursement methods and incentives systems), especially for building a projection model for optimal financing and service delivery systems. Results of the project allow applying new approaches to the optimal financing and service delivery systems in country-participants in the regional context, as well as changes of methodology for service delivery analyses in other nosologies.
Main deliverables:
- Database with the description on financing mechanisms and statistics in ophthalmology in each country (DDL: April 30, 2022)
- Common matrix based on in-depth interviews with 5 experts from each country (DDL: August 31, 2022)
- The summary report on good practices + Infographics (DDL: April 30, 2023)
Projektový tým na Fakultě managementu
- doc. Ing. Peter Pažitný, MSc., PhD.
- Ing. Daniela Kandilaki, Ph.D.
- Ing. Kristina Randlová
- Ing. Zuzana Rajdlová